
04 November. 2020
发力服务器、工业互联和车联网 英业达亮相2020东莞台博会
        东莞 2020年11月4日 — 日前,2020第十一届东莞台湾名品博览会(简称台博会)在广东现代国际展览中心成功召开,本届台博会转型专业展,多达360家台湾企业参加,聚焦5G云端、物联网、AI人工智能等前沿技术,亮出大批强应用、接地气高精尖“黑科技”产品,4天吸引约5万人次入场,盛况空前。作为全球知名的智慧设备制造商,英业达集团(Inventec Corporation)首次参会,并带来了智能制造软件解决方案、服务器、车联网5G V2X OBU Box等产品,引发行业广泛关注和与会观众的追捧。 发力服务器、工业互联和车联网 英业达(Inventec)重装亮相2020第11届东莞台博会   英业达携三大系列产品亮相台博会        本届台博会以“聚力大湾区,开拓新商机”为主题,首次采用“线上+实体”双向融合模式,以“一专多能”形式办展,遴选3C数码全产业链参展,紧跟新业态新生活模式,从传统商品展升级换代为科技专业展,吸引大批两岸5G科技、云端服务、物联网、数码电子零组件等前沿科技企业参展,令人耳目一新。         2020年是5G通信云端、物联网应用元年,顺应当前智能制造、5G、车联网大趋势,本次台博会还专门设立了“5G云端物联网主题馆”。作为成立40多年的台湾企业,英业达是从计算器、电话机转型无线通讯、网络应用、服务器等智能设备的代表性高科技企业,本次在“5G云端物联网主题馆”展出旗下工业互联网&智能制造软件解决方案、大数据中心设备-服务器、车联网-客制化5G V2X OBU Box 平台等三大系列产品。 大数据中心设备:高端服务器引人关注         英业达本次参会的大数据中心设备,是英业达顺应大数据、云计算时代对于服务器设备要求的产品。本次展会上,英业达集中展示了面向不同应用场景的服务器,例如基于Intel Purley平台的高密度2U24Bay双路存储服务器(Inventec Entei)、基于最新AMD EPYC ™(霄龙) 7002 系列处理器的高性能2U&1U服务器(Inventec Horsea、Inventec Golduck )、适用于边缘计算场景的边缘服务器(Inventec E850G4) 、定制化服务器等,以及与英特尔合作基于新Intel® FPGA SmartNIC C5000X platform的智能网卡(SmartNIC)产品-Inventec FPGA SmartNIC C5020X;这些产品均由英业达企业电脑事业群(EBG)负责研发制造,在展会现场,吸引了众多企业客户前来问询;“随着5G时代到来,物联网、人工智能、车联网等都将迎来爆发式增长空间,但产生的数据量也将是前所未有的庞大,这也意味着对高性能服务器需求会持续增长。未来,英业达将紧紧围绕行业趋势,从客户需要角度出来,不断进行产品升级改造,推出更多个性化、高性能产品来满足市场需求。”英业达企业电脑事业群BU6总经理林宏州(George Lin)表示。 发力工业互联和智能汽车         除了服务器产品,本次台博会上,英业达也展示了在工业互联网和智能汽车方面的优秀成果。        智能工厂建设是智能制造的核心与重要载体,随着“新基建”项目不断投入,人工智能和工业互联网在制造业领域深入发展,智能工厂已成为未来制造业发展不可逆转的趋势,本次展出的工业互联网&智能制造软件解决方案,是由超过25年智能工厂产品研发及服务经验的英业达集团(天津)电子技术有限公司提供的出色产品,包括“设备管理方案”、 “I² MES 精益制造解决方案”、 “智能制造大数据解决方案 – 智造云台产品”三个序列。这些产品主要用于智能工厂的管理和监控,自动化和智能化的程度非常高,能够帮助广大工业企业提高智能制造的水平,节省人力成本并提高效率,这三大解决方案已经在河北、天津、上海、江苏、浙江、广东、福建等省市落地实施,助力企业转型升级。这些产品顺应了工业互联网发展的趋势,4天展期里吸引了许多行业客户前来咨询。         当前,电动化、智能化成为汽车行业大趋势,5G网联汽车时代即将到来,本次英业达也带来了新的车联网产品-5G V2X OBU Box,该产品为英业达子公司,致力于开发智慧型手持式产品及云端终端应用产品的英华达(IAC)研发制造;此产品内置HUAWEI MH5000-871  5G NR C-V2X车规级通讯模组,支持5G中国全网通 NSA/SA 双组网模式,向下兼容4G LTE/ 3G/2G 网络接入,支持车载备份电池方案的5G V2X辅助驾驶终端。同时,它还支持双频北斗/GPS双模定位,支持多模式交互平台,满足9V~36V 车载电池宽压使用,可以在-40c—+85c的温度范围内正常工作。      关于英业达 ( Inventec ) 英业达集团( Inventec Corporation ) 1975 年创立,早期制造计算机、电话机,后制造NB与服务器,近年,更投入云端运算,无线通讯、智能装置、物联网及绿色能源等;英业达企业电脑事业群(EBG) 成立于1998年,专注于服务器研发制造、提供超大型数据中心、运算密集行业包括互联网及电信运营商最佳解决方案,领先研发制造能力深获客户信任。英业达集团(天津)电子技术有限公司,超过25年智能工厂产品研发及服务经验,作为智能制造解决方案服务商提供集智能工厂规划咨询、软件研发、系统集成、企业运营等一体化服务。1999年起,集团陆续成立子公司,如设计、制造与销售智慧型手机、开发智慧型手持式产品及云端终端应用产品的英华达(IAC)。   英业达的标志是英业达集团的注册商标。文中涉及的其它名称、商标及徽标属于各自所有者资产。
29 October. 2020
英业达推出Golduck-基于最新AMD EPYC 处理器的高效1U双路服务器
Inventec Introduces Golduck, a 1U High Performance Server For Hyperconverged Infrastructure     TAIPEI, Oct. 29, 2020 — Server manufacturer Inventec (2356.TW) announced the release of Golduck, the most advanced 1U, two processor, compute and storage platform, equipped with AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors. Designed with a simple 1U enclosure, Inventec Golduck is optimized for large density and scalability with tool-less storage drives and hot-swappable fan modules. Perfect for various applications including virtualized solutions and big data analysis scenarios requiring better flexibility, higher performance and greater storage capability. Inventec Golduck : 1U server system based on AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors Inventec's Golduck Golduck is a dual socket server that supports AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors, with TDPs of up to 165W. Its ground-up design can transform businesses by allowing them to adopt a server system that offers high core counts with massive memory support and I/O capabilities.  Thanks to the AMD Secure Processor embedded within the AMD EPYC processor, Golduck employs advanced hardware enabled security features that are designed to help protect software and data for customers, including AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) which encrypts virtualized data in use, helping protect data from other VMs and a malicious Hypervisor. It is a response to the increasing workloads of users, with 2 standard PCIe® slots and up to 12 NVMe/SATA SSDs contained in a 1U form factor. A secure solution amid growing demand for digital capabilities According to a JP Morgan equipment finance report in 2019, "Both consumers and businesses are increasing their use of streaming services, cloud computing and other data-intensive functions. This demand has collectively spurred greater investment in server and cloud infrastructure ecosystems that can handle next-generation data workloads." [1] The need for secure server systems is reflected in the worldwide expansion of mega data centers that can handle massive workloads without compromising data security, and has especially been compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, as businesses look to build resilience by stepping up their digital capabilities. Inventec Golduck server system is able to offer customers a reliable yet flexible solution with - industry-leading core count (of up to 128 cores with two processors) - up to 4.0 TB memory per processor, with an integrated memory controller (up to 32x DDR4 DIMM) - CPU TDP support up to 165W - 2x PCIe® 4 x16 - high speed I/O connectivity   With AMD EPYC™ processors, Golduck can help customers meet the emerging needs of modern software-defined datacenters, offering a hyper-converged infrastructure with high scalability and flexibility, which is perfectly applicable for database management and analytics, private/ hybrid cloud environments, and virtualized infrastructure.   [1] Mark Bennett, JP Morgan. "What's Driving Growth in the Global Server Market?"   Learn more about Inventec Golduck:   About Inventec Data Center Solutions (Inventec EBG) Inventec Data Center Solutions (Inventec EBG) was established in 1998 and has been focusing on the design and manufacturing of server systems in Inventec Corporation. Over decades, Inventec EBG has been the key server system supplier of the global branding clients. For more information, please visit: Follow "Inventec Data Center Solutions" on LinkedIn and Wechat to receive their latest news and announcements.   AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Inventec logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Inventec Corporation.   
22 September. 2020
英业达發表基于AMD EPYC™ 7002系列处理器的高性能2U双路服务器-Horsea
Inventec unveils Horsea - a high performance 2U server system optimized for AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors   TAIPEI, Sept. 22, 2020 — Inventec (2356.TW), one of the key suppliers of world's leading server brands, hyperscale data centers and server system integrators, has launched Horsea, a high performance 2U server system based on the dual-socket 7nm AMD EPYC™ 7002 series processor. Horsea is perfect for various applications such as, virtualization, hyperconverged storage, cloud computing, and high-end enterprise workloads.    Inventec unveils Horsea – a high performance 2U server system optimized for AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors   Inventec's new product also comes as the demand for cloud increases amid the pandemic as technology continues to "infiltrate" our lives while more people work remotely [1]. This translates to a surge in workload for datacentres and Horsea is able to help handle this increase.     Inventec Horsea   Horsea features impressive TCO reduction by offering vast VM density with AMD EPYC™ 7002 series processor.   ‘Hardened at the Core’ with advanced security features, the AMD EPYC™ processor secure root of trust is designed to validate the initial BIOS software boot without corruption. Together with encrypted memory, this state-of-the-art processor helps safeguard privacy and integrity.   Equipped with latest AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processor, Horsea provides customers with advanced security features. Data breaches can have drastic consequences with IBM’s 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report[2] found that USD $3.86 million is the average cost of a data breach, while it takes 280 days, on average, to identify and contain a breach.   However, Horsea is well guarded. The server’s embedded x86 silicon-level data security, enables it to offer AMD Infinity Guard features including Secure Root-of-Trust which monitors whether the initial BIOS software is booted without corruption and Secure Memory Encryption, which can minimize potential attack surfaces and enable better protection of software and data.   Horsea also features scalability and flexibility with single CPU operation support, up to 6 standard PCIe® Gen4 slots and an OCP 3.0 slot that offers high bandwidth. Moreover, it also has a front-serviceable hybrid flash array module, which not only supports all NVMe, but also offers tremendous storage capacity with the optional advanced next generation SSDs.   Together with OS drive supports from two internal M.2 or rear 2.5” SATA drive, Horsea can perfectly address the needs of various scenarios of hyperconverged storage, including content acceleration.   To help increase serviceability and reliability, Horsea provides a highly modular design, which supports tool-less operations of serviceable parts, as well as N+1 redundancy for both power and cooling fans.   “We always try to deliver innovative next-gen product such as Horsea that is designed for modern software-defined infrastructure, offering a visionary and comprehensive solution for the coming next-generation workload" said George Lin, General Manager of Business Unit VI, Inventec Enterprise Business Group (Inventec EBG).   [1]  [2]   Learn more about Inventec Horsea:     About Inventec Data Center Solutions ( Inventec EBG ) Inventec Data Center Solutions (Inventec EBG) was established in 1998 and has been focusing on the design and manufacturing of server systems in Inventec Corporation. Over decades, Inventec EBG has been the key server system supplier of the global branding clients.   For more information, please visit: Follow "Inventec Data Center Solutions" on LinkedIn and Wechat to receive their latest news and announcements.   Inventec logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Inventec Corporation.AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
14 August. 2020
Inventec Introduces Entei, the Advanced Storage Server System Next-gen data storage server supports dual 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors   TAIPEI, Aug. 14, 2020 — To match an ever-growing need for data storage space, Inventec (2356.TW), one of the key suppliers of world's leading server brands, hyperscale data centers and server system integrators, announced the arrival of Entei - a 2U24Bay Storage Server System to support dual 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors. The solution comes with dual-socket 24 LFF HDD Bay in 2U form factor and will allow the scaling of the IoT and cloud industries.   Inventec Entei: 2U24Bay Storage Server System   According to market research by US-based Grand View Research, the size of the global next-generation data storage market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.5% from 2019 to 2025. The growth is driven by increasing global penetration of the IoT in various businesses sectors and industries, where there is an immense need to store multiple forms of data. The research also indicates that market players are currently focusing on the development of scalable, practical and flexible cloud platforms to fulfil the needs of those various businesses and industries in today's rapidly changing digital era.   Inventec Entei: 2U High Serviceability Hybrid Storage Array Entei is powered by dual 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors with twelve DIMM capacity (up to 768GB with 64GB DIMMs) in the whole system, laying a new foundation of scalability. Entei also supports Intel Optane persistent memory which capacity is up to 1TB. This enables optimized workload for synergy across computing, network and storage, and provides a higher virtualized workload throughput and number of VM density, a great boost in performance, security, agility and efficiency, while catering to a wide range of key workloads. Ultra-Dense in 2U Form Factor Entei supports 24x 3.5" and 4x 2.5" form factor hot-swappable drives with easy serviceability, providing balanced computing power and storage capacity, flexible I/O expansibility, and hardware redundancy. Together with multiple storage options for greater flexibility and scalability including NVMe support in the rear for a caching layer, Entei also includes 2x M.2 via interposer connection and a variety of storage mezzanine cards. "Entei is an ideal hybrid system for warm storage and is applicable to further storage applications. By optimizing the ratio of SSDs and HDDs, it can highly accelerate IOPS and throughput performance while offering excellent storage capacity. Also, Entei's drawer design for easier drive maintenance is a particular design feature which provides convenience to its users," said George Lin, General Manager of Business Unit VI, Inventec Enterprise Business Group (Inventec EBG).   Great Density and Scalability Entei adopts the Intel® C621 chipset, supports dual Intel Xeon Scalable processors, and has up to 768GB of DDR4 memory. Hosting 3 PCIe x16 lanes, enabling expansion of up to 4 PCIe cards (two x8, two x16) with riser boards.   Flexible Network Configuration Lastly, Entei offers an OCP NIC mezzanine option, ranging from 10G Ethernet to 40G (optical or Base-T, compatible with OCP 2.0). This allows high-speed performance and I/O flexibility, catering to suitable demands of different application procedures. Learn more about Inventec Entei:     About Inventec Data Center Solutions ( Inventec EBG ) Inventec Data Center Solutions (Inventec EBG) was established in 1998 and has been focusing on the design and manufacturing of server systems in Inventec Corporation. Over decades, Inventec EBG has been the key server system supplier of the global branding clients.   For more information, please visit: Follow "Inventec Data Center Solutions" on LinkedIn and Wechat to receive their latest news and announcements.   Inventec logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Inventec Corporation.Intel, the Intel logo, the Intel Inside logo and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.
03 July. 2020
英业达宣布推出通过NVIDIA NGC-Ready for Edge认证的首款边缘计算服务器-E850G4
Inventec Announces its NGC-Ready Edge Server Optimized for AI Software-E850G4 Taipei, July 03, 2020 -- Server manufacturer, Inventec (TPE: 2356), today announced that its first edge computing server, E850G4, now supports NVIDIA EGXTM, a high-performance, cloud native platform that brings real-time AI to the edge. As an NGC-Ready for Edge server, the E850G4 is certified for functionality and performance of the GPU Optimized AI stack from NVIDIA, security, and remote management. This 2U GPU server, targets multi-access edge computing (MEC), content acceleration, network-in-a-box, and network function virtualization (NFV) applications, among others, in the booming new market of 5G and edge datacenter. This allows users to rapidly deploy and efficiently run AI workloads in their edge networks. Inventec Announces its NGC-Ready Edge Server Optimized for AI Software-E850G4 NVIDIA EGX Edge AI Platform With the future pointing towards convergence of IoT and AI at the edge, allowing all industries to deliver automated intelligence from billions of sensors at the point of action, a scalable, accelerated platform that can handle continuous delivery of information securely and drive decisions in real time is required. NVIDIA unveiled the latest NVIDIA EGX platform capabilities and NGC features for deploying accelerated AI at the edge and in the data center at GTC Digital in May 2020. NVIDIA EGX platform enables companies to perform low-latency and high performance AI inference at the edge and includes GPU-optimized AI software from NVIDIA NGC -- a registry of containers, pre-trained models, and helm charts along with a private registry that simplify building, collaborating, and deploying AI software securely at the edge. Inventec E850G4:  OTII-based Edge Computing Server The E850G4 server system is encased in a computing box with a NUMA (non-uniform memory access) balanced design for multiple SKUs for acceleration and storage scenarios. This system is also a China Open Telecom IT Infrastructure (OTII) server design for WW5G edge computing applications such as multi-access edge computing, and fog computing. In addition, E850G4 offers enhanced serviceability and reliability including: -  Up to 4x NVIDIA T4 Tensor Core GPUs -  Dual Socket: 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® scalable processors (Cascade Lake) -  12x DIMM: Up to 1.5TB  3DC ECC DDR4-2933MHz, RDIMM/LRDIMM and Intel® Optane™ DC Persistent Memory (DCPMM) -  Onboard 2x 10G Ethernet port -  Up to 7x PCIe Gen3 slot to support multi-scenarios -  6+(2) SFF SAS/SATA/ NVMe hot-plug drive -  Tool-less design of serviceable parts -  Optimized TCO “Inventec E850G4 supports quality inspection AI cloud and edge applications in industries including 3C electronics, steel plant, energy management, rubber inspection, etc. We designed this new server solution to help our customers optimize their edge infrastructure,” said George Lin, General Manager of Business Unit VI, Inventec Enterprise Business Group (Inventec EBG).       About Inventec Data Center Solutions ( Inventec EBG ) Inventec Data Center Solutions (Inventec EBG) was established in 1998 and has been focusing on the design and manufacturing of server systems in Inventec Corporation. Over decades, Inventec EBG has been the key server system supplier of the global branding clients.   For more information, please visit: Follow "Inventec Data Center Solutions" on LinkedIn and Wechat to receive their latest news and announcements.   Inventec logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Inventec Corporation. All trademarks and logos are the properties of their respective holders.
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