
18 March. 2024
Inventec at NVIDIA GTC 2024
It is a great honor that Inventec is invited to join the GPU Technology Conference (GTC) held in the San Jose Convention Center from March 18th to March 21st. During the show, Inventec will perform two of the latest products, one is an 8U AI server – P8000IG6 with up to 8 GPUs, and another one is an AI rack total solution. We look forward to you joining us (booth #1133) to discover more product details.   Date: 2024/3/18 – 3/21 Booth#: 1133 Location: San Jose Convention Center     英業達參加NVIDIA GTC 2024   英業達很榮幸受邀參加今年3/18 – 3/21在美國聖荷西會議中心所舉辦的GPU Technology Conference (GTC)。此次英業達將帶來兩款最新的產品,其中一款P8000IG6為可搭載最高8塊GPU 的8U AI 伺服器,另一款為最新AI機架整體解決方案。 期待您到我們的攤位(#1133)來了解更多產品的細節。   日期: 2024/3/18 – 3/21 攤位#:1133 地點: San Jose Convention Center    
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