
28 October. 2019
原文引自:2019-10-28 16:10:46 [ 中关村在线 原创 ] 作者:邹云鹏        日前,2019AMD大中华区合作伙伴峰会在北京国测国际会议会展中心成功召开,会议上,迎来50岁生日的AMD展示了过去一年中取得的辉煌成绩,并解读了公司基于7nm工艺的全新产品路线图。而作为AMD重要的合作伙伴,知名服务器制造商英业达 (Inventec ) ,也携新款K885G5服务器亮相了此次峰会。      AMD革命性的“Zen2”架构推出以来,在全球范围内掀起了一场7nm的风暴,除了消费级的三代锐龙台式机处理器和全新Radeon显卡大放异彩外,锐龙移动处理器和第二代EPYC(霄龙)处理器也颇具看点。移动处理器是AMD顺应市场潮流推出的全新产品线,而第二代霄龙处理器则为现代数据中心处理器树立了新的标杆。      虽然距离AMD通过第一代霄龙处理器回归此前阔别多年的服务器市场仅仅过去了一年的时间,但二代霄龙凭借领先的7nm工艺一举打破了上百项性能世界记录。其同类产品最高的I/O和内存带宽,对PCIe4.0接口的率先支持等新特性,可让数据中心充分发挥服务器的最大性能,比上一代的霄龙有着2倍的性能提升。优异的性能也为AMD赢得了超过60家产业链合作伙伴的鼎力支持。      作为AMD的战略合作伙伴,深耕服务器制造领域20年的英业达 (Inventec ),也带着自己基于第二代AMD霄龙处理器的全新K885G5服务器亮相此次峰会。        这款K885G5服务器,配备了全新第二代AMD霄龙7002系列处理器,机架式设计,高度为2U,是一款专门为现代数据中心量身打造的高性能双路服务器。      这款服务器拥有七个标准PCIe4.0 插槽,包括两块全高双宽度附加卡。一个可热插拔OCP3.0 插槽,支持200GbE联网水平。前端可维护式混合闪存阵列模块,不仅可支持全NVMe,还可支持新一代NGSFF尺寸外型的SSD(可选),提供极大存储能力。除此之外模块化设计还带来了更好的可维护性和灵活性。无需工具即可操作可维护部件,支持电源和冷却风扇N+1冗余配置。      这样一款产品是英业达(Inventec)基于业内领先的AMD服务器处理器所打造出的面向虚拟化、超融合存储、云计算、高端企业等的综合性产品,是一个进一步降低企业总拥有成本(TCO)的服务器解决方案,为未来新一代高强度工作负载水平做好准备。        而未来,英业达 (Inventec )也将推出更多基于全新AMD霄龙处理器的服务器产品,为企业带来多能有效满足大数据时代的超大规模运转需求的产品,帮助企业更好得打造现代数据中心。  
16 October. 2019
开拓数据经济未来     近日,以“数起云涌 智构未来”为主题的2019英特尔互联网数据中心峰会在厦门成功召开,作为英特尔全球重要战略合作伙伴,英业达 (Inventec) 也受邀参加并携K900G4高性能计算服务器亮相此次峰会。       上海2019年10月16日 /美通社/ -- 近日,以“数起云涌 智构未来”为主题的2019英特尔®互联网数据中心峰会(2019 Intel IPDC Summit)在厦门成功召开,作为英特尔全球重要战略合作伙伴,英业达 (Inventec) 也受邀参加并携搭载第二代英特尔®至强®可扩展处理器的 K900G4 高性能计算服务器亮相此次峰会。会上,国内外杰出互联网企业、云服务供应商和电信运营商一起分享了国内外客户新技术使用案例、最佳实践方法和行业使用场景。     英业达 (Inventec) 携搭载第二代英特尔®至强®可扩展处理器的K900G4高性能计算服务器亮相2019英特尔®互联网数据中心峰会(2019 Intel IPDC Summit)          今年已是英特尔®互联网数据中心峰会的第十一年,来自英特尔全球及中国区的高层领导都相继出席此次峰会并分享了英特尔在以数据为中心时代对于云计算、互联网发展的独到思考,以及英特尔如何通过以数据为中心的全面产品组合 -- 第二代英特尔至强可扩展处理器、英特尔傲腾数据中心内存和存储解决方案、软件以及平台技术等 -- 赋能客户应对各种工作负载带来的数据挑战,更好地传输、存储和处理数据,从数据中挖掘更多价值。        而作为全球重要服务器系统供货商,英业达 (Inventec) 多年来致力于为超大型数据中心和包括互联网、电信运营商在内的运算密集行业提供优秀解决方案;此次参展的 K900G4 服务器便是英业达 (Inventec) 基于新一代英特尔技术为高性能计算、实现整个数据中心 TCO 降低与加快数据中心现代化所推出的的新产品。 K900G4 拥三大亮点,助力高性能计算        当前结构中的 HPC 计算和云计算中心迫切需要达到最大性能,而通过在高密度服务器上应用虚拟化,甚至只需一台机器就能更好地满足所有需求。        K900G4 的亮点之一是可为HPC应用释放计算能力。K900G4 由4个高性能节点构成,每个节点均采用2个最新的第二代英特尔®至强®可扩展处理器,TDP(散热设计功耗)高达140W,提供高达176个内核的高密度计算能力和64个 DDR4 DIMM 插槽,相当于整体系统高达8TB 的存储器容量。         同时,K900G4 采用最新英特尔®技术,如英特尔®傲腾™数据中心级持久内存(支持 Cascade Lake 平台),与之前的平台相比性能有所提升,包括1.5倍内存带宽和2倍FLOP能力,并通过2个英特尔®UPI快速通道实现更快的插槽互连,不仅实现高性能计算的要求,也适用于任务关键型工作负载。        K900G4 的另一个亮点是拥有出色的可扩展性和灵活的存储选项。每个 K900G4 节点都具有出色的扩展能力,提供一个标准 PCIe x16插槽以及各类OCP 2.0网络扩展卡和 PHY 卡选项,具有卓越的扩展性。        对于存储配置,K900G4 板载支持 SAS、SATA 和 NVMe 三种驱动器类型,每个节点多达6个可热插拔驱动器,或整体系统多达24个驱动器。此外,每个节点可支持2个 SATADOM 模块。存储 RAID 可通过各种英业达存储卡选项使用。        同时,对于 K900G4 来说,经优化的TCO(总拥有成本)具有更高的可维修性和可靠性。与传统2U单节点部署相比,2U 4节点的 K900G4 系统计算能力是其4倍,数据中心占用空间是其1/4,密度配置降低 CAPEX(资本性支出),并提高可靠性和可用性,进一步降低 OPEX(运营成本),K900G4每个节点支持3个双转子风扇,可在可热交换的主板托盘上进行维修。K900G4 系统后部配有可热插拔的1+1电源,易于维护。 高性价比多节点解决方案,开拓数据经济未来        过去,数据中心可处理的数据量由物理空间决定。但是,随着云以及新兴数据/计算密集型工作负载等数据使用需求的快速增长,以及电源、散热和空间的限制,高密度机架配置成为资源利用和实现计算和数据容量最大化的一种方式。因此,采取了针对性设计的英业达 K900G4对于数据中心部署有着天然优势,将大大降低企业采购成本,减小占用空间,节约更多能源的同时带来更高效而强大的计算力。       英业达服务器事业群(Inventec EBG)总经理蔡枝安 (Jack Tsai ) 表示:“英业达作为英特尔重要战略伙伴,我们推出了搭载第二代英特尔®至强®可扩展处理器的的K900G4 HPC服务器以满足大数据时代运转需求;此外,为应付多样的市场需求与数据处理,我们也另推出多款同样采用英特尔技术的产品,包括 K888G4、K800QG4、P90G4、U30G4等面向不同应用场景的服务器,与英特尔一起努力,携手帮助用户迎战5G 未来和数字化转型战役,共同开拓数据经济未来。”   Copyright © 2019.INVENTEC CORPORATION. All Rights Reserved.英业达的标志是英业达集团的注册商标。文中涉及的其它名称、商标及徽标属于各自所有者资产。 消息来源:英业达
11 September. 2019
英业达将在K888G4 2U系统基础上,推出经验证的英特尔® 精选解决方案,面向NFVI转发平台(FP)
Inventec Committed to Deliver the K888G4 2U System as the Intel® Select Solution Verified NFVI Forwarding Platform (FP)       Taipei, Taiwan – September 10, 2019 – Inventec Data Center Solutions (Inventec EBG), one of the key suppliers of world's leading server brands, hyperscale data centers and server system integrators, announces in collaboration with Intel, it is committed to deliver the K888G4 2U computing node as an Intel® Select Solution for NFVI Forwarding Platform (NFVI- FP). The K888G4 2U delivers balance and optimization, and can be deployed quickly and efficiently by telecoms, CSPs and 5G SDN/NFV applications. Intel released the Intel Select Solution NFVI FP today in 5G World Congress, held in Singapore, and Inventec is going to deliver its very first Intel Select Solution NFVi FP product in December, after completing verification.   Evan Chien, Senior Director, Cloud and Communications Solution at Inventec says, “The Intel Select Solutions for NFVi Forwarding Platform will enrich the virtualized networking product portfolio of Inventec communications solutions. It also remarks the growing capability of Inventec in engineering complexity to provide solution-level products that reflects our passion to join the 5G Ecosystem and make contributions.”     About Intel Select Solution for NFVI Forwarding Platform Intel Select Solutions are a family of workload-optimized, infrastructure solutions, based on the Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family targeting today’s complex workloads. Intel Select Solution NFVI FP is an enhanced NFVI solution for 4G or 5G core User Plane Functions (UPF), broadband use cases, such as virtual Broadband Network Gateway (vBNG), virtual Broadband Remote Access Server (vBRAS), Network Services such as virtual Evolved Packet Core (vEPC), IPSEC Gateway application, and cable use cases such as virtual Cable modem termination system (vCMTS) that have a great demand for high performance and throughput. Including all of the required resources to implement a software-defined multi-node infrastructure that resides within each cloud server instance and is controlled by the hypervisor, Intel Select Solutions NFVI Forwarding Platform are defined in collaboration with Communication Service Provider and ecosystem partners to expose the value of an I/O Balanced Architecture to maximize network I/O throughput per NUMA node.   Figure: Traditional Platform Configurations vs. Optimal Balanced I/O Configuration (Resource: Intel)     About Inventec K888G4 2U system Inventec K888G4 is a dual socket server system of 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors with optimized and balanced DDR and PCIe slots to offer the best performance for the 5G network virtualization workloads. Table: Specification of K888G4 Model K888G4 Form Factor 2U1N rack mount with slide rail Processor Dual Socket; Intel® Xeon® Processor Scalable Family Memory 24x DDR4 DIMM slot Chipset Intel® C620 series (C622), supporting 10GbE Storage Controller Onboard: 12x SATA3 6Gb/s port   Inventec storage mezz card options Network Controller Onboard:   Dual 10G SFP+   Supporting 25GE / 50GbE / 100GbE Mezz card Expansion Slot Option1: 3x PCIE Gen3 x16 (Low Profile)   Option2: 4x PCIE Gen3 x8 (FHFL), 2x PCIE Gen3 x8 (Low Profile)   1x PCIe Gen3 OCP 2.0 A+B NIC mezz   1x Inventec Storage mezz Disk Drive Bay Front primary bays:   Option1: 12x 3.5" SAS/SATA (including optional 4x NVMe) hot-plug drive   Option2: 24x 2.5" SAS/SATA (including optional 4x NVMe) hot-plug drive   Optional 4x U.2 or M.2 NVMe drive   Rear SSD bays:   2x 2.5" SATA hot-plug drive System Management IPMI 2.0 compliant + KVM with Dedicated LAN TPM Option: 2.0 Power Supply Option1:1600W (220V) Platinum (1+1 redundancy)   Option2: 800W (110V) Platinum (1+1 redundancy) Fan 6x 6038 hot-swap fan (5+1 redundancy)     You can learn more about Intel Select Solutions here.     About Inventec Data Center Solutions Inventec Data Center solutions are delivered by Inventec Enterprise Business Group (EBG), focusing on providing the best solutions for compute intensive industries in mega data centers, including internet and telecom operators. Since its inception in 1998, the advancing server hardware design and manufacturing capabilities have been trusted by customers such as the world's leading server brands, hyperscale data centers and server hardware integrators.
09 August. 2019
Inventec Delivers AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processor Solutions To Customers, Setting a New Standard for the Modern Datacenter
SAN FRANCISCO, August 9, 2019  PRNewswire/ -- Server manufacturer Inventec (2356.TW) proudly joined American semiconductor producer AMD in launching their latest AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors in San Francisco, on August 7. The newest AMD EPYC™ processors will help data centres adapt and deal with demanding workloads, while offering embedded security features to help defend against attacks to the CPU, applications and data.   INVENTEC K885G5: a high-performance 2U server system based on dual-socket 7nm AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors   During the launch, Inventec also unveiled its new K885G5 server which is compatible with the AMD EPYC™ 7002 series processors and will be able to efficiently and reliably handle the large amounts of data brought along by the AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series.   AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors   The AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors set a new standard for the modern data center with breakthrough CPU performance. The processors are expected to deliver up to 2X the performance-per socket[i] and up to 4X peak FLOPS per-socket[ii] compared with AMD EPYC™ 7001 Series Processors. The new series can also enable datacentres to be more responsive to increasing workloads. Delivering a comprehensive, consistent feature set of I/O, memory and security features, across 8 to 64 "Zen" 2 cores, the AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processor delivers agility from a balanced set of features. With embedded security features, the processors help customers to better defend their CPU, applications, and data. This processor series will be well-support by Inventec's state-of-the-art K885G5 server which is designed to enable datacentres to accept and respond large amounts of requests.   Inventec K885G5 server   K885G5 series target comprehensive applications in virtualization, hyperconverged storage, cloud computing, and high-end enterprise server, among others, with impressive TCO reduction benefited from the industry-leading core density and jump in performance. In addition to highly serviceable 2U enclosure, K885G5 offers scalability and flexibility including •Up to seven standard PCIe® Gen4 slots including the option of two full height double width add-in cards •One hot-swappable OCP 3.0 slot supporting up to 200GbE networking •A front-serviceable hybrid flash array module that not only supports all NVMe but also tremendous storage capacity by optional advanced SSDs in next generation form factors such as NGSFF and EDSFF •Excellent serviceability and flexibility from modular design. This supports toolless operations of serviceable parts as well as N+1 redundancy for both power and cooling fans.   "As AMD strategic partner, we always try to deliver innovative next-generation products that can meet the demand for reliable support for very large, high-usage deployments. As a high-performance 2U server system based on dual-socket 7nm AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors, K885G5 is designed for today's software defined infrastructure, offering a visionary but consolidate solution for next-generation workloads to come.", said Jack Tsai, President of Inventec Enterprise Business Group.   "We're excited and thankful to have our partners supporting the launch of AMD EPYC 7002 Series Processors," said Scott Aylor, Corporate Vice President and General Manager, Datacenter Solutions Group, AMD. "Their EPYC based solutions are poised to deliver a new standard for modern datacenter customers. With twice the cores, breakthrough performance and embedded security features, all delivered by a leadership architecture, customers can transform their datacenter operations at the pace of their business."   About Inventec Data Center Solutions ( Inventec EBG )   Inventec Data Center Solutions (Inventec EBG) was established in 1998 and has been focusing on the design and manufacturing of server systems in Inventec Corporation. Over decades, Inventec EBG has been the key server system supplier of the global branding clients. For more information, please visit:   Follow "Inventec Data Center Solutions" on LinkedIn and Wechat to receive their latest news and announcements.   Inventec logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Inventec Corporation.   AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.   [i] Projections as of July 3, 2019. AMD 2nd Generation EPYC processor projected SPECrate®2017_int_base performance scores are developed using computer modeling of each processors rev B0 which is then adjusted for the individual targeted frequency. For EPYC 7282, 7272 and 7252, estimated configurations have 4x channels per socket of DDR2666 memory, and all other models have 8x channels per socket of DDR3200. All estimates use the AOCC compiler. Projected score only, actual results may vary. Results may vary with production silicon testing. AMD EPYC 7742 SPECrate®2017_int_base projected score of 625 vs. EPYC 7601 of 304 in June 2019 at 625 / 304 = 2.056 = 2x the performance. SPEC®, SPECrate® and SPEC CPU® are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. See for more information. ROM-23 [ii] Estimated generational increase based upon AMD internal design specifications for "Zen 2" compared to "Zen". "Zen 2" has 2X the core density of "Zen", and when multiplied by 2X peak FLOPs per core, at the same frequency, results in 4X the FLOPs in throughput. Actual results with production silicon may vary. ROM-04  
08 July. 2019
满足大数据时代运转需求 英业达推出K900G4高性能计算服务器
        近日,英业达(Inventec)推出采用新一代英特尔技术的K900G4服务器,K900G4拥有高存储器容量,最大可达8TB,CPU数量达到8个,是高性能计算(HPC)、数据中心和企业的理想选择。        上海2019年7月8日 /美通社/ -- 近日,英业达(Inventec)推出采用新一代英特尔技术的 K900G4服务器,K900G4拥有高存储器容量,最大可达8TB,CPU 数量达到8个,是高性能计算(HPC)、数据中心和企业的理想选择。 满足大数据时代运转需求,英业达(Inventec)推采用新一代英特尔技术的K900G4高性能计算(HPC)服务器,是款高性价比多节点服务器解决方案,适用超大型数据中心发展趋势。        美国市场研究机构 Synergy Research 的调查表明,全球云计算供应商和社交网络巨头主要使用的超大规模数据中心数量在2018年增长了11%。目前,全球430个数据中心设施被认为是超大规模数据中心,通常运营着数十万台服务器。        具备空间小、功耗低、实用性广泛等特点的高密度服务器,成为超大型数据中心的首选。 采用新一代英特尔技术         K900G4系列采用新一代英特尔技术,如英特尔®傲腾™数据中心级持久内存(支持 Cascade Lake 平台),与之前的平台相比性能有所提升,包括1.5倍内存带宽和2倍 FLOP 能力,并通过2个英特尔® UPI 快速通道实现更快的插槽互连,不仅实现高性能计算的要求,也适用于任务关键型工作负载。         K900G4是2U 4节点 HPC 服务器,作为一种多节点服务器解决方案和针对 HPC 优化的 TCO(总体拥有成本)解决方案,成为大型数据中心的理想之选。        英业达服务器事业部(即“英业达企业计算机业务群”,Inventec EBG)总经理蔡枝安 (Jack Tsai) 表示:“过去,数据中心可处理数据量由物理空间决定。但是,随着云以及新兴数据 / 计算密集型工作负载等数据使用需求的快速增长,以及电源、散热和空间的限制,高密度机架配置成为资源利用和实现计算、数据容量最大化的其中一种最佳方式。 K900G4的 TCO 经优化,可轻松扩展为 HPC 集群,完成任务关键型工作负载,是款高性价比的多节点服务器解决方案,适用目前超大型数据中心发展趋势 !” 适应云计算、大数据时代超大型数据处理        当前结构中的 HPC 和云计算中心迫切需要达到最大性能,而通过在高密度服务器上应用虚拟化,甚至只需一台机器就能更好地满足所有需求。此外,在生命科学、工程分析、分子动力学、医疗诊断、电子设计自动化、财务分析、流体力学、地质科学和图形处理等领域,对浮点运算提出了更高要求;诸如流媒体处理、计算机辅助设计、渲染农场等应用都需要更多的浮点运算、更大的内存容量和存储。 K900G4可为 HPC 应用释放计算能力。K900G4由4个高性能节点构成,每个节点均支持两个最新的第二代英特尔®至强®可扩展处理器,TDP(散热设计功耗)高达140W,提供高达176个内核的高密度计算能力和64个 DDR4 DIMM 插槽,相当于整体系统高达8TB 的存储器容量。        为适应云计算、大数据时代丰富的应用场景,灵活扩展和广泛的实用性成为高密度服务器的重要优势。 K900G4拥有出色的可扩展性和灵活的存储选项。每个 K900G4节点都具有出色的扩展能力,提供一个标准 PCIe x16插槽以及各类 OCP 2.0网络扩展卡和 PHY 卡选项,具有卓越的扩展性。        对于存储配置,K900G4板载支持 SAS、SATA 和 NVMe 三种驱动器类型,每个节点多达6个可热插拔驱动器,或整体系统多达24个驱动器。此外,每个节点可支持2个 SATADOM 模块。存储 RAID 可通过各种英业达存储卡选项使用。        对于超大型数据中心来说,服务器维修和维护方便非常重要。经优化的 TCO 具有更高的可维修性和可靠性:与传统2U 单节点部署相比,2U 4节点的 K900G4系统计算能力是其4倍,数据中心占用空间是其1/4,通过高密度配置降低 CAPEX(资本性支出),并提高可靠性和可用性,进一步降低 OPEX(运营成本),K900G4每个节点支持3个双转子风扇,可在可热交换的主板托盘上进行维修。K900G4系统后部配有可热插拔的1+1电源,易于维护。        根据工信部2018年度《全国数据中心应用发展指引》数据,截至2017年底,在用数据中心的机架总规模目前达到了166万架,与2016年底相比,增长了33.4%,数据中心规模快速增长。        为满足市场需求,英业达近年来推出了多款采用英特尔技术的标准渠道服务器产品,包括 K888G4、K800QG4、K900G4、P90G4、U30G4等多款服务器,受到一流指标性客户的肯定。其中,包括中国互联网巨头、全球超大型数据中心和云服务提供商都是英业达的重要客户。     Copyright © 2019.INVENTEC CORPORATION. All Rights Reserved.英业达的标志是英业达集团的注册商标。文中涉及的其它名称、商标及徽标属于各自所有者资产。 消息来源:英业达
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